Dig in Deeper with Ready, Set, Write!

The WriterSpark Ready, Set, Write! course teaches you the nuts and bolts of creating everything you need to tell a compelling story.

By the end of our four weeks (self-paced) together, your virtual toolbox will be filled with everything you need to write your first novel.

In this course, you will:

  • Develop your protagonist and antagonist
  • Understand the two most common story structure templates:
    • The Three Act Structure
    • The Hero's Journey
  • Create a skeleton outline of your story
  • Understand Scene Structure, including:
    • Scene and Sequel, which includes Goal, Motivation, Conflict, Disaster, and the responses of reaction, dilemma, and decision
    • Motivation-Reaction Units
  • Write a minimum of three scenes utilizing all you've learned
  • Includes bonus content!

Take a look at the curriculum ⬇︎

Because you completed the dialogue mini-course, I'm giving you 20% off the full course. With more than 21 lessons and bonus content, you will grow your knowledge and be well on your way to writing your book.

Use the coupon code WSGIFT-20 at checkout and get started today!


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